December 21], 1959 Or. Le. L. Cavalli 18, Via Fatebenesorelle Milano, Italy Dear Luca: Some more arrangements on my trip next month. The week of January I?th | will be In Nice and could be reached C/o The First !nternational Space Sclence Symposium Centre Universitafre Méditerranéen Boulevard des Anglals Nice, France t'm planning to fly from Nice to Milan by the late afternoon flight on Friday, January [5th. 1 could stay over until Sunday afternoon before returning to San Francisco via London. I may try to call you from Nice. Have you any further reaction to the suggestion that you and the Magnis meet me in Nice? Or would you prefer a more concentrated session nearer the laboratortes? Esther and | will be going to Mexico over the New Year but will be back by January 5th. | should remark that | have not recelved any written confirmation from Giovanni after our conversation here. | hope this does not Indicate any unexpected difficulties. As ever and with all the best for the New Year to al! the Cavallis, Joshua Lederberg