THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE 18, MARYLAND MCCOLLUM-PRATT INSTITUTE INVESTIGATION OF MICRONUTRIENT ELEMENTS February 12, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: We were sorry to hear that you would not be able to attend our second Phosphorus Symposium, because we would have liked to have you here to discuss the subject of "Transforma- tion", If you have material that you would like to include in the published book, we hope that you will send it along to use It is doubtful whether we will have Hotchkiss! manuscript in enough time to allow a discussion of it. Therefore, I think that we should not plan on trying to do this. There are no ob~ jections, however, on including a paper in the book on this sub- ject, even though it is not presented at the Symposium. The only thing that I would suggest, if you plan to submit such a’ manuscript, is that you communicate with Hotchkiss, in order that extensive duplication of material that might be reviewed would not occur. Best regards. Sincerely yours, W. D. McELroy Director WDM: SWB