ET prommermeree lel WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE BARNES AND WOHL HOSPITALS 600 SOUTH KINGSHIGHWAY ST. LOUIS 10, MISSOURI! 12 April 196] Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Kern, Helmreich and I have revised the enclosed manuscript so as to comply with most of the objections raised by you and Mel Cohn. The major difficulty we encountered was the matter of whether or not microsoma! antibodies are attached to ribosomes or to other components of the microsomal fraction; e.g., endoplasmic reticulum. The previous experience here was that deoxycholate treatment was ambiguous in that most of the antibody activity was removed from the ribosomes but some definitely adhered. Since deoxycholate can obviously do much more than simply separate the two principle microsomal componen*s we clearly had no confidence in interpretation of these resuls. But the deep reservations we had were not, I see now, expressed clearly enough so that one can now see where Mel's difficulty occurred. Since having the manuscript returned Milt has repeated the experiments with deoxycholate and obtained similar results to his previous ones: i.e., nearly all of the microsomal anvibody activity is removed from the particles. Moreover when the residual small amoun> of activity is normalized for ribosomal protein or RNA or the sum of these two, it is clear that the antibody activity remaining on the ribosomes is +tremendois~ ly reduced in amount relative to the parental microsomal fraction. In part the magnitude of this depletion effect of deoxycholate seems greater To us now than jit did before because we now use the correct extinction coefficient for ribosomal protein which is surprisingly low (El en=7). All of this provides no answer of course as to where antibodies attached in the microsomal fraction and the corresponding segmen’ of the manuscript nas been re-written so as to make clear as possible that we have no answer now to this question. I do not know that we can do any more and look forward to hearing what your reaction is to the manuscript in its present form. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, / Wert icChee ya. : Herman N. Eisen HNE : vb ence