UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE BARNES AND WOHL HOSPITALS 600 SOUTH KINGSHIGHWAY ST. LOUIS 10, MISSOURI 27 July 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: We were very pleased to learn that you are willing to read the manuscript on microsomal antibody by Kern, Helmreich and myself. When I called you yesterday I felt reasonably sire that we co:Jd com- plete the writing before leaviny for vacation a few days hence. How- ever a more sober appraisal of the short time remaining and the pressure of other work and, most importantly, the fact that we finally decided to do one more experiment that will require freshly immunized animals has led us to put off completing the work until we return from vaca- tion in September. We hope then to send you the manuscript, probably around the end of September and hope yo: find it satisfactory for /he. PNAS ยป After a remarkably cool June and July the weather in St. Louis has reverted to its usual summer state - hot and sticky. We look forward to leaving for Woods Hole the day after tomorrow. With kindest personal regards, and warm wishes to the Kormbergs, Cohns, I am Sincerely, Uhre Herman N. Eisen HNE : vb