WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE BARNES AND WOHL HOSPITALS 600 SOUTH KINGSHIGHWAY ST. LOUIS 10, MISSOURI October 2, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Genetics Building University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Enclosed are some reprints which deal with hypersensitivity and antibody specificity. These are, unfortunately, far from having revelance for some of the questions which seem now to occupy your attention, judging from the reprint you sent me. Work which we have been doing in the two years since getting underway in St. Louis are a bit more relevant, but this work is still in manuscript drafting stages. We have been working with isolated lymph node cells and although we have learned a good dea! about their biochemical and physiological behavior ,we have encountered many difficulties, as you might have anticipated, which we ascribe to cell heterogeneity. | want to thank you very much for sending me a copy of your comments made at the Gatlinburg Conference. I+ is perfectly fascinating reading; it was exciting to read such a lucid account of an area of which, up until now, | have heard only vague and distant rumblings. | know from Arthur Kornberg of your prospective move to Stanford and want to take this opportunity to wish you the very best there. The new Stanford should be a very exciting place. Sincerely, [Ver teow Herman N. Eisen, M.D. HNE :nh ENC.