MAY 2 6 1963 DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS AND BIOCHEMISTRY FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO HONGO, TOKYO, JAPAN Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California, UeSeAs May 16, 1963. Dear Professor Lederberg : I am preparing for the trip to U.S.A. and I shall arrive in Palo Alto on the 30th May and as I told you, I shall be glad to see you on the 31st and give a seminar on one of the following topics ;: 1) Chemical Nature and Biosynthesis of Streptolysin S!' . 2) Ribonucleases in Takadiastase : Chemical Nature, Properties and Applicationd, The Ministry of Education of Japan is now planning to establish an Institute on Space Science, in which a section on space biology is considered. I, as one of the consulting staffs for the Institute, should like to see several laboratories besides yours, in which space biology is studied. So I should like to ask you if you could tell to [WL J 4 the NASA Exobiology Laboratory at Mountain View in California to show me the laboratory. Dr. M. Ohashi and hés wife, both my former students, will take care of me during my stay in Palo Alto. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Yours sincerely, Age F Egami