DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS AND BIOCHEMISTRY FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO HONGO, TOKYO, JAPAN Professor J. Lederberg Stanford Unéversity, California, U.S.A. May 12, 1962, Dear Professor Lederberg : Concerning the suggestions by you after the lunch with us, I should like to recommend you Dr. M, Kageyama as a candidate to work under your guidance, He ia an distinguished biochemist kevtireg having experience and knowledge in bacteriology and virology as well as in chemistry. As you know, he was just beside you at the lunch, and he is now working on pyocin. Formerly he worked on enzymes and a hacterio-— nhage (Ta). It would be better for you to see him again before your departure and to discuss the conditions, the items of research eten © with him. Owing to the actual research, the most preferred time = for him to go to U.S.A. will be the next spring, however it may be = arranged as you like. His wife, Mrs.Dr. Kageyama being an ophthal-— (~ mologist would like to work, if possible, in Stanford, Would you like to introduce her to a professor of ophthalmology or a@ distinguished ophthalmologist in Stanford ? Yours sincerely, fr 4 wens F,.Egami P.S. Private telephone, (811)4617. Office, (812)2111 -konai- 2446,