b June 13, 1962 Dr. PT Edwards Communicable Disease Center 1600 Clafton Road Atlanta 22, Georgla Dear Phil: { was very pleased to hear from you. 1t certainly agree that it would be desirable to continue the immunogenetic studles with Salmonella, but I have to confess that at the present time we are not doing very much about it here. Or. Helen Makela from Helsink!l was a postdoctoral fellow here for some months and did some work on the patterns of sexual recombination In Salmonella that could be very Important for the kind of program you mention in your letter. | hope she will be continuing those studies to some extent In Findand, and she Is, of course, in close touch with Dr. tino In Japan. | saw him not long ago, having been on a six week's visit there, and am delighted at the way he is continuing his work along these lines. He will be paying us a brief visit after the Montreal Congress later this summer. sprnyy Id Our own work In the lab here has turned almost completely towards the DNA transformation system In Bacillus subtilis because of the advantages that this gives us for getting at the blochemIstry of the genetic material. | had a letter (see enclosure) not long ago from DOr. Joys.’ A ‘Bruce Stocker's laboratory, which 1 am reminded of by your remark about wanting to continue some imniunogenet ic work in your own lab. Can you see some possibility of using Joys's experlence In a way that would allow him to continue his genetic Interests In the flagella of Salmonella? 1 don't suppose there is tremendous scope for this at the CDC itself except perhaps as a part time activity, but | ask in the hope that you do have some relation- ship with the University that might make this a feasible program. {| can recommend Dr. Joys as a solid citizen and as someone who certainly has had enough Imagination to see a good problem and do a very interesting job with It. tf there Is any possibility that you might be Interested | suggest you communicate with him directly. As # told you our own work has moved In a rather different direction which is why | don't take him on myself. You can probably get a closer line on him If you need this by contacting Bruce Stocker In London as well as the people he has been working with more recently. With best regards ever, Sincerely, pit shod Joshua Lederberg BE bp palasy j ‘ i ve Professor of Genetics JL: jc