INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY Sext. 6, 1956 Ur. Joshua Lederberg Devartnent °- Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, “Weoonsin Derr Josh: Although I spent two weeks on your casmus vith the Fuysiclo; sorksnop in August, I did not get 2 chance to visit vith you wiich is oné oF taings that IT hed on ry List do to while ve vere in Madison. The worksnios kept us pretty tell tied Jom although I had hoped for sone free time. We were sorry that vou vere not eble to xnttond the dedtioxticn orogran of our new b “Udine but Mose that you will let us Imor hen aot 'e€ can arranye for 2 visit. you are goin, to be in the region so 4 In connection vith the new laboratories, I acve «6 .eupest te ricke of we have included some 2 s in the corridors of the : lection of cictures of c at 1 Breter:. area to acco:tiedate the ep bactericlogists which we heve been eccwimistin: for same years ond ue siavl ike very much to have one of cron to include in the erou. sinee ve Pind they are of interest to stucents eni Visitors Wn: to Sec those who are currently xetive in beacter clepsy as tell as the eorly continental sroup, Althonsh our vrefercnce is for an umaounted spint of lx6 or x? size, we can reco. sodate aleast ary sine the pletures ere mounted on a standard mat to the sanels. > With kindest resards, Sincerely yours, Sus BY L. 5. Chany Chairne L&ke/er —_—— _ aa Prof Lederberg: Sent in today's mail. Y . . "om Iie pt j # ri foo gs