INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY March 24, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: I wish to acknowledge your letter of 22 March 1955 and the enclosed material, I will try to locate a copy of the citation from Dr, Dack and if I succeed, I will forward a copy to ycu. We lock forward to receiving the photograph when it is available. I will make note on the Archives records concerning the publication of the address material and look forward to receiving your new address when it is published, I am hapoy that most of the award group seem to be able to supply us atleast with a portion of the material which we wanted and perhaps at one of the meetings we can have a display concerning all the awards. For your information, the Lilly Company has provided us with two blank copies of the medal and these will be on display at New York, Looking forward to seeing you there, I am Sincerely yours, L. clung Archivist, S.A.B, LSMo/gr