,og a BERGEY’S MANUAL yo » 4 EDITORS“ a an E. G. D. MURRAY Re ‘ Conn ' R. SMITH E. G. D. MURRAY AOBERT S. BREED . N. R. SMITH Chairman 6 Sunset Drive ROBERT S. BREED 6 Sunset Drive, Chairman Geneva, New York, U.S.A. Geneva, New York January 6, 1951. Dr. Josma Lederberg Assoclate Professor of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are always interested in comments on the text of the Bergey Manual, and thenk you for your letter of December 30th, I am forward- ing this to Dr. F. 0. Holmes of the Rockefeller Institute in New York City. Ihave read Dr. Cowles paper and find a statement in it that seems to be to be in entire harmony with the text of the Manual, In the days when this work was done, the finding of phages that affected spore formers did give a method of testing heat survival that could not de made on non~sporeforming bacteria with the same ease, This phage was used as a test organism, I note too, your preference for numbering systems for phages. As one of the uninitiated I find it very difficult to get an intelligent understanding of papers using various systems of numbering without an undue amount of work, I have not been surprised that the majority of plant pathologists reported to Dr. Black last year that they preférred the use of the binomial system to the numbering systen, With best wishes, Sincerely yours a eh y fb Robert S. Breed, . RSB=E. PLIREISHRES WHTTAMS AND WIERING CO RAT-TIMORE MAPVIANM 11 @ A