November 9, 1956 Dr. P. R. Edwards 207 Upland Road Decatur, Ga. Dear Phil: Just raelved your letter. I am sorry it is just too late to make the correction on formalin effect, as the paper is in its press run now. If any further opportunity comes up to amend the remark, I will take it. The idea of a "suppressor" factor is not inconsistent with your statement of differential motility: it is just a genetic analysis of it. Namely, the source of lower motility of phase~l is a genetic factor other than the Hy locus itself. It seems to m likely that many strains have amaller differences in motility between the two phases, an effect which 1s exaggerated by this "Sphl" factor. You mentioned you had sent Bruce cultures: I am sure the history is clear: I got them from Seligmann, passed them on to Bruce, then from him to you, then some derivatives] back again. That is I hope they're all the same cgltures (have no real doubt about it). Enough of the above: I am bitterly disappointed you may not be able to coms. If the expense-fund réling is the main reason, would it help any that UW is a State Institution, or that the funds for th "consultation" will de- rive from federal sources (an Army contract, or, if necessary a PHS grant)? I can see you have many distractions, and other good reasons to want some time in the lab, but if the technicalities are the principal barrier, do let m know what we might do about them. If necessary, I can probably get a more official-looking request written up. Tino will be writing an ms. soon on the 52-203, stary: we'll try to get it to you as soon as possible, but would mich prefer talking it over more closely. With beat regards/ Yours ‘sincerely, f Joshua Lederberg