April 23, 1956 Dr a P a R. Edwards Box 185 Chamblee, Ga. Dear Phil: I read your letter of the 18th with real consternation: how the h' can you get anything done. Of course we would want very much to have you come this fall, and if you can help by scheduling a time in advance, so much the better. Probably Oct. 1 or soon thereffter would get us eway from the September hectics. I did see a mimte gap in gour schedule: could you sneak up from Chicago c. June 11, or perhaps en route from there (7) to Quebec; make this official or not as you please: we'll pay your fare ourselves if you want to make just a social call! If this elicits a groan on your part, just forget I asked. We'll be away ourselves the weak of June 18. You do have my sympathies, and my felicitations to Mrs, Tdwards and yourself yeux for your daughter. What is Kauffmann doing in Quebec--mad I hope there's nothing sinister in "perhaps for the last time"; that rather worried m. I hope you don't mean mach more than his reaching time to retire. : I was sorry to hear of Pelix' death; as one of his onetime associates wrote me however, it might be as well he did not have to bear what would have been a great disappointment in the trials of the Vi vaccines. Is any vacoine much good? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg f Vaal P.S. Do you know anything about the typhoid "epidemic" we're having in Wisconsin? (Curious I should have to ask you about 1t]i