INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA NEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY March lo, 1955 Ore Joshua Lederberg Department of Geneties niversity of Wisconsin nedison 6, Wisconsin cht t nr, Dear Dr. Lederberg: “we nave completed recently an inventory of the material in the SeneSe Archives. This survey reveals that unfortunately no collection hes ceen made for this file of the information concerninse the recipients of the Eli Liliy avara ana we desire very much to obtain this material tor the archives. I am, therefore, sending wais letter to each recivient of the award in the hope that it will stili be vossible to assemble this tile. we would appreciate your sending the material listed below or much of it as is available now an. ask that items not now evailable sent later. The desired material inciudes: uy cm o aD 1). ne, preferably two, reprints ot the published paver containing the Lilly Award Address or, it not published, a eon, of the manuscriot of the address. & copy of the citation read by tne President of the jociety E}. 2 time of the award. at in az th 3j+ & photogrepn, vreveradly signed, and eermission ver reloase copy if requested. lijs A copy of your complete bibliography, at lease to tne dste of the award. Thanking you in advance, i am Sincerely yours, i A Ce é Eoamny/ be 9. ieClunge hairman, Arctiives Committee eo Ae Be oot ish/er