Garb Madison, July 20, 1958 Dear Luca: Our move to Stanford is now fully confirmed, including,/with no dif~ ficulty whatsoever )leave (on Stanford salary) to work with you next spring. I don't know why we should have had any doubt about it, ex cept it seemed like such a good thing. The possibility of visiting you for April-Yay-June xmmm now seens eminently feasible of attaimhent, and also the most practical plan we could possibly have made, If you can guarantee the fares, we would like to consider it settled, and I really should confirm this to Stariford as soon as possible, We have not yet made arrangements for Esther's salary; while it is extremely probable that this can be managed either via Wisconsin or Stanford or both, I would ask you to try to make provision for it, just in case, The only uneasiness I have pertains to Sneath, but the lab at Madison will not be interrupted and if the work is exciting we can try to arrange another year for him, But we have to discuss thie together. Some notes will arrive soon, but I imagine you will be too dis tracted to see them, I am sending you two more Ara cultures: W-4163 from W-1895 x W-3052, Hir, Arap tester, and W » which is a doub]. tant KERRX oe maven Arag” Ara,~ obtained as a segregant from the 3/4 heterozygote. We had a postcard fron Seymour (dated Rome, Luglio 13)— he is having a fine time, but doesn't realize that you have recovered his cameraj If you make contact with him, would you tell him about Stanford and also about our revised itinerary (i.e. lvg. Glasgow London-SFO on Sept. 4) as we may have some chance of secing him, He really should have given some idea of the cities he would be visiting where he might pick up poste restante mail, Not much chance of any new experiments any more; we(re just ready to do the exogenote entry and some Gal x Gal diploid selections, At least two of the Gal~ Lac- AraY from the previous experiment 1410 are now confirmed as hamizygous for both Gal and Lae, As Ever, P.S, I will needle you just once more: you are still sure you will go to Montreal-- if not we would still be able to revise our plans to come down to Italy this trip; but perhaps next, spring is soon enough,