ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA July 18, 1958 PAVIA VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 - TEL, 23,029 Professor Joshua Lederberg Genetics Building University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua and Esther, I received your "Stenorette! letter and can tell you that this first experiment has certainly been a success, It was perfectly clear and the voices were well recognizable ~ less so Esther's probably because of less fidelity at higher frequencies, This being the first experiment of our Tran#Atlantic mail by the new method, I asked Adriano's secretary to write it for me, just to make sure that I had not missed anything when listening to it, I must say that the result was excellent and there were very few blanks in the script. I presume, however, that in order to use this type of communication advantageously, only those parts of the tape which are most important should be transcribed, There would be no advantage otherwise, at least from a secretarial point of view, over the standard method of communication, except for the pleasure of listening to a friend's voice. This pleasure, however, is gratifying enough, I can assure you, and the style of commnication becomes. so much more personal and informal than that of the standard written letter, I do not answer you by the same means as at present I have not sufficient material, at least of a scientific nature, to fill a roll of tape; moreover it will take me some time to become familiar enough with the machine to dictate into it, and I prefer to do this after the summer, For the present, at least, it is Simpler and shorter for me to dictate directly. them which are still Ara-, Strain No. 362 is F-, Ara-, Aye " "367 is F-, histidine less, lace,’ Re, but should be checked for F, " " 380 is Fm, leucine less, Ara~, " "408 i8 F, proline less, Ara-, om Ar 7 ty au The leucine gene of 380 is closely: linked to the leucine of Y-10, and is also linked, but not allelic to Ro. However, the exact data referring to linkage of these Aras are at present very difficult for 4 ager me to reach, and I am quoting from memory. I have sent the strains to you, although they will probably not arrive in time to be useful. I am sorry that I do not have any news or address for Seymour. He cameto Milan before I returned here and left about one hour before I arrived. I had not written to Alba about him because I was sure that Seymour would be in Milan after my arrival, and so she was very surprised to see him. In any case, he said that he would send us his address, but as yet has not done so. I have some films of his that I shall give you in Stockholm. I also have his camera which he left somewhere in Switzer- land, and which was sent to us after his departure. I hope he will send me instructions about it otherwise I shall take it with me to Montreal and give it to some American geneticist there. Seymour spent only a short time in Milan, but enough to see an opera by Verdi and to become a member of the Italian Touring Club. I have seen Adriano and Giovanni only for a short time before their departure and was not able to discuss financial matters regarding your trip to Italy, but I should be able to let you know something about this when I see you in Stockholm. You can be sure that I will do my best to have you here. I think that you spoiled me during my stay at Madison and it is going to be difficult to readapt here without too much regret, You will probably receive my letter before leaving and I shall see you both again in a short time. Thank you again for all you have done for me and arrivederci, Yours, . iffy, PP There “pe P.S. I am sending you, under separate cover, by air mail sAtdents strains, + . Rok tt Cena hay eb ri. poof eae