March 13, 1948. Dr, C. ud. oCloskey, Department of Organic Shenistry, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Dear Dr. “4eCloskey, I found your 1945 paper in Proc. Soc. , "Utilization of certain rare sugars by microorganisms" of considerable interest, because we are sngaged here in a atudy of the specificity and genetics of fermentative mitations in E. coli. I wonder whether you have sufficient supplies of the following to permit you to send samples for investigation. Minimum 200 mg., we could use profitably at least a} gram of any comphund. The substrates in which I would be particulatty 4nterested include: b,b (iao-) trehalose, tagatose, turanose, neclactose, and 4-p-d-glucosyl-d-mannosédg. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics.