Octoder 4, 1948 Dr, Barbara McClintock Department of Genetics Carnegie Institution Cold Svring Harbor Long Island, HN, Y. Dear Dr, McClintock: Thanks very much for the set of your reprints, They will be very useful, In about a month, I shall be in New Haven to give some lectures on bac- terlal genetics, I'11 try to make % to Cold Spring Harbor, but it's rather doubtful that I can make it. Could I see you in XN, Y.? lately, I've been puzzling over a segregation phenomenon in E, coli K-12 that is still far from solution, You may be interested to read this precisa of it, which I'm putting to you in hoves you may have some sugrestions, “ork on standard stocks suggests one linkage group, with factors arranged: B MOB Mal Lae Vv 7 L. Mal and Lae 1 1 1 1 1 1 relate to the fermentation of maltose and Inctose; V1 to phage-resistance and the others to nutritional requirements, Ina cross using parents different in these factors, one can recover h-ploid prototrophs as nreviously published, These recombinants are regularly either Lace or Lact, v4" or v,°, i,e, they have presumably already segregated from the diploid zygote, By chance, how- ever, I noticed a single prototroph whose behavior ie quite aberrant, being heterozygous for some of these factors, The heterozygote is maintained on synthetic medium, on which the (for the most part) nutritionally exacting segregants are uneble to compete with it; when plated on 2 complete medium, the segregants are produced at a large proportion of cell divisions, and en be purified by subsequent plating, To summarize very briefly: 1) Segregation is accompanied by crossing over, and all classes of recombinants (including the hitherto elusive multiple mutants) are found with varying frequencies, The segregants are apparently pure-line, and do not segregate further, 2) When crossed with apvropriate standard stocks, segregante may yield prototrophs 1-10% of which are heterozygous for Lac, One heterozygote gave three segregants, which were tested, (I cnll these "H") ‘Two gave F2 hetero- zygotes beyond question; I am not as sure as I'd like to be yet of the third, but it seems to give heterozygotes in crosses with standard and definitely does on crossing with one of the other "K" stocks, Dr, Barbara McClintock 20 October 4, 1948 3) the heterozygotes may be heteroploid, Ina cross involving all the factors listed above, where one of the parents is a "heterozygote producer" derived from the Fl, heterozygotes were found digenic for 411 those loci except. Neal, which was typically Male (as it hapoened, the allele contributed by the "H* parent in one series, by the standard in another), This might be interpreted as homozygosity, but from several such stocks, Mal+ reversions were obtained, which would be expected to be Mal+/Nal- (from Mal-/Mal~) end therefore to segregate, This was not observed, the reversions behaving like pure Mal+, although still heterozygous for Lact-, From this, 1t is tentatively concluded that the aberrant heterozygote is hemizygous for Mal, and therefore heteroploid, By successive mutations, we have just made up stocks eo that four additional fermentation characters can be introduced in such crosses, Unfortunstely, these are all more or less close to Mal, and so far have shown comvareble behavior, I do not xnow whether some loci cen be homozygous in these hetero= zygotes, but am trying to check, 4) As one might expect from (3) (although this came first) segregation from the heterozygote is not random, but biased to different extents for dif-- ferent factors, NM shows this especially, There seems to be, for a given heterozygote, a predominant class of segregant, with a minority of other types, Different hetero zygotes have a different sredominant segregant, This is consistent with the notion that the presumed deficiency in the Mol region acts ar a recessive lethal, and that crossing over occurs to form those less frequent scgregztions which sro originally coupled with it, I badly need some testable hypotheses which will explain how a hetero= zygote can split off segregants appsrently cspabdle of effecting (=) a defi- ciency for the Mal region in many of the F2 zygotes which it forms vith normal stocks, and (b) prolongation of the Aiploid phase, Of course, with more detailed study, the difficulties may be resolved by correction of the data, but as they stend they sre rether puzzling, In the back of my head is the notion that the answer to these perplexitirs may be found in your corn work, but I haven't yet found it, However, although the problem has not been solved, it hac already been 2 useful tool in my other work on the gene enzyme relationshin which you may have noticed in the Genetics Records, Judging by their recombination te give Tact phenctypes, quite a few loci are connected with lactase (Setagalactosidase), which by the way, I have gotten out cell-free, somewhat purified and have reasonably good evidence for its "single enzyme" nature, Some of these loci (e.g. Lae, and Lacy) are linked so closely that the Lact recombinants are exceedingly rare, Crossing an H Lacy- with a standard Lac), however, Lact heterozygotes were obtained which clearly segregnted into the Lace components, confirming their nomallelism and the dominance of Tact, Phage sensitivity is nlso dominant, With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg /»