July 22, 1953 Dear Phil: By the time you get this, we will be enroute ourselves: we are going to San Fran- cisco cursekves, «will be back ahout August 26. Meamhile, will study recent ccorrespon~ dence and bring our end up to date. M11 about August 15, I cen prebably be reached c/o Bast. Dept. at UofCal.,Berkeley, should anything come up. Bill Cherry and you might be interested that kuaszendorf 302-0 is also susceptéble (very few plaques) to PLT22, but I am not sure but what it does not react {on slides) with IV V XII serum to some oxtent, as well as with VI VIZ anf VI VIII. Se far, no transductions with It, ard I haven't gotten the phage to grow well on it. Of the typing phages, BAOR transduces very nicely (e.g. tu Sim666), but its host range is evan more linited than PLT22. I hope your trek West came out all right. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg