THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6, WISCONSIN OFFICE OF THE FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISER January 15, 1958 Professor Joshua Lederberg 202 Genetics Dear Professor Lederberg: Dr. Baldwin and I discussed your wish to bring to the campus an Italian scientist unincumbered by the restrictions of the Exchange Visitors Program, and thought it best that you accomplish this through filing the enclosed forme. Since the University as such does not bring foreign personnel through this petition, I must say that I am unfamiliar with its use. However, the instructions point out that a fee of $10 must accompany this application. ‘“uite likely also there are items which will raise questions as to the proper way of answering then. I can only suggest that you get in touch with the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Milwaukee with which the petition mst be filed. A representative of that service comes to the campus once a month and will next be here on Thursday, January 30th, and I am sure he can help you complete this form, If you would like an appointment with him, would you kindly call Mrs. Sehuiltz, U4612. Sincerely yours, O-~ ~ ~ 4 So Re | E. E. Milligan Foreign Student Adviser EEMs es Encl.