December 9, 1957 Dr, Lb. L, Cavalli-Sforza Iatitutoe Slercterapice Kilanese Via Darwin 20 Milano, Italia Dear Lucar I will not teke time now to give you an account of our further journeys except to confirm our safe return and to tell you as I am sure you knew very well how much we enjoyed our visit in Italy with you, I have a funny story to tell you about being held up in custome because otir bacrare reristered a very high count, but I will poatrone this until we see you next spring, Which reminda me, by the way, that we are very oager to hear from you with respect to your immediate rlans, eapecially as we might be able te do some advance scouting of benefit with respect to a clace for you to stay. IJ am sure that you would be telling us about this at the esrliest occasion anyhow, The immediate provocation for my writing to you at this inetant was to ask whether you were acquainted with a number of rapere by several authora including &, Iseki at Gunma University in Jepan, Hie eddress ie Department of Legal Medicine, Scheol of Medicine, Gurma University, Maebashi, Japan, He has a number of reports in the Gunma Journal of Medical Selences on various blood group substances in bacteria including some review, Mostly he ie dealing with whet he calle the 0 substance or probably whet ie often referred to as the H substance, Iseki aleo publishea in the proceedings of the Japan Academy, Let me know if you have great difficulty in securing access to these periodicals and if you are interested I will send you my own reprints of these -arers or alternatively you might write directly to Iseki and I am sure you would ret a rapid response, This Iseki is the same chap who deseri>ded the lysogenic conversion in Salmonella concurrently with Uetake. With all the best from JL/ew