Department of bacteriology Melbourne University Carlton N3, Vic., Australia September 30 1957 Dear Luca: I must apologize for writing to you again without waiting to receive an answer to my first letter, but our position is becoming clearer with regard to our travel plans. 1. It is now quite likely that we will be returning via India and Europe. 2- Our most likely arrival time, subject to your own convenience in part, would be Thursday November 21. 3. On these premises (and recalling your former invi- tation) would it suit you better to meet us in Rome, or should we fly directly to Milan. While it would please us very much to see Rome in your company, if this is in- convenient for you, we would prefer to go directly to Milan. How do these dates suit you? We might stay from 5 to 7 days in Italy, and will not make any other stops in #/ Europe this trip, as we are anxious to get home. 4. As concerns lectures, please do not go to any particular trouble: our main concern is to have your company, and owing to a formal invitation from India, we are within a hundred dollars or so of our absolute expenses. I will not be avgerse to speaking anywhere that would not be out of our way and will leave this to your judgment. We still have to complete some correspondence with Haldane (in Calcutta) and some people in Bombay, and so still cannot give the final stamp on this itinerary. But I am looking forward to the probability of seeing you and Alba soon. Yours , Joshua Lederberg