ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO MILANESE “SERAFINO BELFANTI” ENTE MORALE AGGREGATO ALLA UNIVERSITA DI MILANO Direttore Scientifico: Prof. Augusto De Barbieri ye pe Via Darwin, 20 - MILANO Laboratori di Ricerche TELEFONO 2. 35.7441 (5 lince) Mr.W.H. Freeman W.HFreeman and Co, 660 Market St San Franciseo 4,Calif. Sept, 30,1957 Dear “r, Freeman, I am sorry to answer late your letter of July 29. It came while I sas away,and when I arrived home at the beginning of September a heavy load of teaching and otiner duties was expecting me. I am sorry to have nissed the opportunity of seeing you when in Cold Spring Harbor. I realize we veserve the very kind reproach that is implicit in your letter. However, I snould emphasize that botn Joshua and TIT have been full of good will in respect of the book. In the first semester of the next year we are very likely to be again togetner,as Joshua has invited me t. Madison,and this __ will be our best oppo:tunity, I think, for going i::to the matter in a more thorough way than we nave been able to do sofar. tours sincerely (L.L. Cavalli-sfo:za) eee