March the 17th 1957 Dear Esther, I very much regret not to be able to follow Luca to England this time also because I so miss the only opportunity I had to see you and Josh again as I understand you would not come to Italy. It is a great pity, I was so much looking forward to meet you both, but I hope that will happen at least next year at the Genetics Congress in Canada. It is some time I received the lovely [ . . . ] sweater, which is just what I wished and fits me [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] very well. Thank you very much for your kind thought, I hope that when you will come to Italy you also will find something Italian you like, which I could send you over to the States. For the moment, knowing you are travelling by plain[sic] and you do not want to carry round bulky or heavy things I send you just a little purse, with italian[sic] coins in it so that in the meanwhile, you can become familiar with them. I am completely tied up with the children and especially with Videlia, whom I [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] still feed completely. She is growing so nicely that I could not possible break the feeding just because, egoistically, I wanted to come to England. Luca will tell you everything about the family and the baby, who, being a girl was extremely well welcomed, as you can imagine, by everybody; as for me, I am so much attached to her that also later will be very painful for me to get separated from. Do enjoy your journey and scientific meetings as much as [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] you can and try, sometime, to think of me, left lonely at home and feeling very low To you and Josh lots of love. from Alba.