ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO MILANESE “SERAFINO BELFANTI”’ ENTE MORALE AGGREGATO ALLA UNIVERSITA DI MILANO Direttore Scientifico: Prof. Augusto De Barbieri Laboratori: di Ricerche Yu DP in, 20 - siorbaed TELEFONO a. 35.74.44 © linee) Dee. 10,1956 Dear Joshua and Esther, T am writing to let you know that Alba has given birth five duys ago tha her latest product,which luckily enough has chosen an k-carrying gamete from me,She is well and so is Violetta ( a rather 4¢xtravagant name ,I am afraid). I wrote to Joshua a couple of weeks ago but it oowmms to me that my letter might have been on the L.a.I. plane that crashed in France a while ago. I am in no position to check/dbfes, but anyhow my letter was not too important. 1 hope to send him chapter II of our book in about two weeks,and chapter V some time in January. I am doing some more experiments on indirect selection ,having now an exact theory for the expected enrichments (thanks to an Austrian statistician , Dr. Pfanzagl},and if the results are interesting 1 might report Enem at the Ciba meeting,where I hope to see both you. I hopex very mueh that your programines are #fixed and that in March or September we shall see you in “taly. The dates 1-10 September would suit us very well (or any other date in September) and we look forward to seeing you in Ttaly,as well as seeing you in p..gland,where it is possible thet Alba too will come. I am not doing much Laboratory work,and whatever has come out is unsatisfactory, I understand you have spent an exciting year. Please iet us know whe,we shall see you again. All the best from the both of us Yours bree. Ci) LT wrk geo * by of Bas bare, if yer one, f. Tea Tek, AS Yon