ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO MILANESE “SERAFINO BELFANTI” ENTE MORALE AGGREGATO ALLA UNIVERSITA DI MILANO Direttore Scientifico: Prof. Augusto De Barbieri . : : ep: Via Darwin, 20 - MILANO Dixo=sone Sctoutitien TELEFONO n. 35.74.44 (5 lince) Dor, Poy abt vear + OSM, Thank you for your letter of nov.25 . My appendix Ll was only a slignt remodeling of what was in my original draft the derivation of the formula for expected enrichment ,taking into account your wish to simplify my original cumbersoma formula. ke fo this was added an analysis of the consequences of one simpli- fying assumption introdudea in the caiculation,namely that only one resistant organism goes into the enrichment tube.Perhaps one mignt just add a footnote somwhere,saying ;: in the calculation of the expected enrichment no account has been taken of tne fact that occasionally more than one resistant organism may be present in the sample used for enrichment.A calcu- dation of the correction B tnat/t e gorse on cognizance of tins fact might ii trodug shows .that/ £18 prac Tealiy insiguficant; e.g. in the @xse8% givag Ree. here gpPt oee would be highest | m= 2, n=iU) the expected enrichment should be multiplied by the cor:ection factor 1.055. ihis could substitute for page 2,appendix 1, out 1 feel that it may be useful to add \tne fewk lines above, Stability of chlorampheticol-resistant mutant : atter 25 daily transfers in broth, with a multiplication factor of Lu.Uuuu x at every transfer,there was no variation in resistance, For this expe- riment, the strain was reisoiated from an agar slant;on xRisolation ama a colony was found which had a slightly decreased resistance, This latter fact need not,probably,be quoted ; it just gives a hint however,of how compiex @ reversion pattern may be, Book; i am working slowly at chapter 5,but am waiting form more encouragement from the other sidd of the Ailantic,it 1s difticult to give a definite shape to chapter 5 if 1 do not know how chapters 3 and 4 wili look,at least roughiy.i would prefer to have your skex sketth of these chapters before going on ;otherwise, dangers of gaps and repetitions are too high. Boli.,i.S.iij in the just four or five years,reprints have had tneir pages numbered ook trthsy. Ceppellini s paper was an unlycky exception aue to the fact that many people(includiug Ceppellini, at that time) want their reprints in advan:e of publication,tfor examinatioyj purposes, forvy { {will keep W i6U2 in mind. What will you be aoing for .smas? Ours 18 not likely to be teriibly good. My brothei-in-_aw,who just married my wife's sister,and who is an extremely charming person, a psychiatrist,heas just received a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of tne intestine (he is about 38 years old).He does not know,nor does most of the family. + tt 18 aw not operable form.