December 31, 1950. Dr. Maclyn McCarty, Rockefeller Institute Hospital, New York, N.Y. Dear Mac: You will probably have heard from the Director of the UW Press that I am planning a compilation of a few papers in bacterial genetics for use by students and research workers in related fields. This project is in an advanced stage, and should be completed if the necessary permissions can be secured. The paper by Avery, MacLeod and yourself in 1943 on the pneumococcus transformation was, of course, one of the first choices for inclusion in this re-publication , and I hope that you will concur to the extent of signifying your assent to our use of it. Although the Institute undoubtedly holds the copyright, I have hoped that it will gives its permission if this is approved by each of the authors. This letter is written rather late primarily because I had hoped first to contact Professor Avery, as senior author. I have not succeeded so far, and I wonder if you can advise me at what address I might be able to reach him, or what other course to follow. I had planned to write to Dr, MacLeod following word from Avery, and then to the Institute Publications Office, but would be glad to have your advice on the most suitable tactics, I've meaat to ask you for some time what you thought of the Mollroy~Axelrod- Mellon report on the induced alteration of streptococci from M to S phase by deprivation of acetate, which they published in J. Bact. 56, 1948. It's &@ queer story, but a fascinating one if selection of spontaneous M-S is really ruled out. Do you know much about 1t? I understood that you have been working with these organisms, and hoped you had some comment. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics