24.x11.53 Dear Joshua, Thank you very much for your letter of Dec.9. Reprints : I am enquiring about the possibility of repu- blishing on our Journal,which would also give the opportunity of ade ding a few corrections. Incidentally: I am very confused about the Val-resistance,On retesting,I found it linked to TL and Ara (W 945). Confusion had been generated by the fact that T had not directly te- sted for linkage to TL,but crossed to an M and followed Watson and Hayes's principle of assessing linkage. So, T&tum (your communication) and Rowley were right. This ,and any other point that you may like to suggest,could be corrected in the second edition to be published on an Italian fapar journal. Sending this and older reprints; | made two maths ago sen- dings of the lust years papers . A fraction of the European names you mention has been covered,and 1 shall try to epmly with the rest,al~ though 1 am myself running very low on reprints. There have been severa! direct requests. Stocks ; 1 had noticed since some time the fnstability of Nal and think that the deta in our joint paper of JGM should be free from this error,as cultures had been isolated snortly before?In fact,segregations of Mal in those data show aiaxg linkage with Myl, as expected. In crosses whhich were conducted with partially back mu- tated parents 1 had found an independence of Mal on all the rest, a rather puzzling fact at first. I am sorry the back mutated cultures were sent. This must have happened with the second sending because,in Oo avoid further delays,! sent stocks without checking them. Prospects : I have not received any information sofar from the Rockefeller. *hank you very much for your offer of financial help; i hope 4 can do without it,if the kockefeller keep ka their promises. Mamaver, (They promised to pay my travelling expenses an& to the Sta- tes,some of the travelling expense in the vtates,and some $325 a month) I think it would be advisable to try and let the kockefeller pay far all they are prepared to pay for my expenses. I shall let you know how things develop. , There is nothing or real interest to tell you about from my lab. All the best wished for the New Year; hoping that it will giva us the opportunity to meet each other Yours Rica -