October 17, 1953 Dear Luca: I had hoped to defer writing you until I had the time to go very carefully over our correspondence and set us up to date on the various interesting points that had come. Unfortunately, I mst inter~ polate another request. I mentioned that W-583 had arrived, broken, It wad nob recoverable. Can you send me another W-§83 as well as W-9457 In fact, if it would be convenient for you to send back any other mitiple-marker stocks I may have sent you before, I think they should be compared with our present stocks. Esther and I have had no difficulty comfirming your most interes ting finding on the linkage of Hfr to Gal (whether Y/¢} Gal, or Gal, is hardly material!) by prototrophs from M~ Hfr x TLB,- F- “s ant by a pair of @dY/ Gal+ 3° M. isolated from M-Hfr x M-F-Gal-S° on EYB Gal-sm As I remenamber Esther's result, there were of course very few Gal+ ° prototrophs, about half or more of them proved to be Hfr when backcrossed to W-1177 on minimal+ sm. Only 2 Gal+S™ were isolated in the second experiment, both Hfr; this cross othersise gives only F~{ However, no evidence for the transduction of Hfr, aldng with Gak+ could be seen in experiments Gal+ Wéffr —x Gal- F-; Gal+ F+ —x Gal- P+ had been tried before, and the present results were equally negative. However, as the Gal—transduction system has lately given am especially competent sub-system, we may try some further attempts, but I am quite dubious of it. Tom Nelson had previously confirmed Hayes' finding that F+ x Hfr will give Hfr recombinants when the Hfr parent is effec- tively F- (viz. subjectei to the aeration phenocopy, while the F+ parent is treated with streptomycin). Hayes visited us briefly last month. He is a charming person as so many people had mkadtx said. But for all of the residual difficulties with a post~zygotic story of elimination, I am surer than ever (after talking with him) that the pre-elimination idea will not work at all. You indicated some doubts about "efficiency&f transfer of B,+ from Hfr". In Hfr M- x F- TLB,-, on thiamin-minimal agar, I find the sime ca. 10% B+ as with comparable F+ x F~. Are your data different? Nelson reports, however, that with Hayes! Hfr (and not ours) the addition of thiamin has a disproportgonate effect in Ancreusing the apparent count of recombinants, possibly owing to increased residual growth and plate fecombination. The cross MF- x TLB_- F+ is giving some unusual results (almost all B+) not yet fully confirmed. 4a Helen Byers brought back some very pleasant photographs of tie Congréss and of yourself; we were especially pleased finally to see these. Do not feel obliged to make an immediate reply (except for sending W-583) as I hope to write more later. Of course, I will be pleased to hear what is going on now that the burdens of the Congresses are over! Can you tell m the status of our paper on drug-resistance? I am spending most of my time now on HfrxF- cytology, and am very discouraged. For a month I could not make again a decent Giemas slide (g¥/ (1!) but it looks now as if it was only the wrong pH of the buffer.