ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO MILANESE “SERAFINO BELFANTI~ Ente Morale aggregato alla Universita di Milano Direttore Scientifico: Via Darwin, 20 - MILANO jeri TELEFONI: 30.640 - 30.677 - 31,757 Prof. Augusto De Barbieri 32.823 - 32.964 - 33.917 ~ 350.649 Telegrammi: SIEROTERAPICO - MILANO Milano 8/8/53 Dear voshua, Thank you very much for the photographs, T am very plea- sed to have something"tanvible" to show to the incredulous people, although of course I tmk/“it is better to reserve comments about it. The photographs are beautiful.I have never seen bacteria as well as in those. De Verbindungsbriteke are rather thin ; have you ever caught nuclear bodies passing across ? I hope you had meanwhile alrathcr chaotic)letter of mine. Finks is gone away,the work is not ;et completely finished, but the data already collected have been analysed almost entirely. A Rather pexculiar conclusions seem to stem out of these, Prezygotic elimina- tion of one (or the other) "arm¥ ,arms being divided by a "point of maximum elimination"close to Hfr,between St and Gal (W 945) seems to offer a better explanation of the data for the Ft x F crosses, No prezygotic elimination seems to take place for F+ x P+ ,at least for the right"arm" &tLac T, LT) in the lines employed, mkaxsaxnp Hfr x F- seems to give a picture of postzygotic elimination which might be expected if the elimination point behaved as a lethal. Yost of the data in the literature,on prototrophs analysis,seem to be amenable to interpretation on the bas&s of pre or post-zygotic (indistinguisha- ble in the published data )elimination,centered at the usually constant elimination point ref®ered to above. Whether this will prove just an essay of solving a crossword puzzle in an apparently correct way ,but with a fundamentally wrong solution, or it corresponds to something physickally meaningful, I am not prepared to say. However,in interpre- ting literature data ,the assumption of poor pairing whenever odd crossover numbers between two selective markers are not selected for seems necessary. At any rate,the Gal (W 945) - Hfr linkage seems conclusively established ; a trace of a guupiamen gene complementary fo this for Hfr behaviour ,located in the LT region, has been noti- ced. Concerning the iticrobiology Congress. The paper for Chain should give no troubles.I shall have to shorten it to keep to the time limits ; I imagine I shall insist only on replica plating for the first part,and summarise evenly the second part. Concerning the paper on recombination,of which I sent you an abbtract : 7 had to assume your consent to it,having had no reply about it. Proof of the abstract is enclosed. If you have any imoortant remarks about it you should write or bette: wire to me »noping to be in time for get. having the &#teration made. The paper should be handed over before the end of the Congress; xm about 10 typewritten sheets are allowed I shall certainly be unable to prepare it for that date,but . am fairly certain that the paper would be accepted also at a later date. If you think you would like to write it,and take senior authorship in the written paper, = should be very plea- sed if you did. I could in that case let you have,say,tn Sep- tember, a summary of my data wuich T shall present to the Con- gress,to be taken account of in a synthetic way,so that the written paper could partially reflect things that were actually said at the Congress, I have not yet a clear idea of what 7 shall actually say 3; if you have any suggestions, please do let me have them in time ! Hfr : My impression is that Hfr is actually less effi- cient in handing oveito progeny markers like B, and M, than those of the right arm. We have recently had experience on the fact that Hfr passes to the progeny the St marker with a rate comparable,and occasionally smaller,to that of F+. However,I am practically certain,from the early data , that B.+ is contri- ‘buted by Hfr far more efficiently than by F+ ; but that the ef= ficiency is less than for TL. Whether Hayes has got the same sort of Hfr that = had, cannot be said until direct comparisons will be made. However, for the moment,I think the Gal-Hfr linka- ge would be a good test. Almost all Gal+ progeny from Gal+Hfr x W 945 is Hfr. Reverse was not done, @ few Gal-Hfr recombinants detected in a Hfr StY cross having unferrtunately been discarded accidentally,and being not easily reobtainable. Cytology. If I can secure any decent collaboration on the subject,next year, 7 shall try to follow your work,as in the plans. Perhaps, as you have been so successful in it, you may prefer to be alone az this job. However,as you may remember from the warly correspondence,I hate some interest for it, even if I have been so inefficient about it until now. I hope you will be entirely frank about it. Please give my regards to Roger Stanier Yours sincerely Liven. P.S. I pass on to you a suggestion T had from Calef. To make certain that Verbindungsbriicke are formed between Hfr and F- cells you may mark one of the two parents with P32 and correlatek Giemsa staining with radioautographs. Bt TOP, Ta, ey 4: Chy Awa ie Fre