Jujy 16, 1953 Dear Luca: I have finally gotten round to taking some pictures of the "Verbindungsbrticke" I mentioned having seen some time ago. These are all from a single slide of Hfr x F~ (W~1695 x W-1177), impression from nutrient agar; oamic vapor; HCL-Giemsa, mounted in Abopon. The slide ia over a year old now— I can only be thankful it has lasted so long. I have no idea of the significance of these things, and it will take some difficult experiments to find out. This slide is so far the most dramatic demonstration of the objects; I have seen them in others (of Hfr x F~), but mich less conspicuously as 4 rule, and until a more consistent technique is worked out cannot be sure of any correlation with mating. The American Bacteriologists are meeting in San Franelscco. You will be pleased to learn that Genetics 1s now respectable: I have been asked to give the Eli Lilly Award lecturs@fig for this meeting, and as the trip will be somewhat of a vacation, we are looking forward to it. We will leave here about July 27; until 4ugust 15, we will beat be reached care of Roger Stanier, Bacterlology Dept., U. of Calif., Berkeley Ay California. Sincerely ? Josma Lederberg P.S. I have, of course, no objection to your discussing these photos with whomever you please, at your om discretion. But the phctures mist speak for themselves: I have no interpretation of then so far. I hopa we will be able to pursue this problem without the pressure of any competition, which might lead us to hasty conmitments— this has been the main reason for my wish to reserve the Hfr, and I hope this policy can be continued without embhrrassment to yourself. {I do not believe that Hayes' culture 1g comparable to Hfr-- have you seen his C.S.H. ms.? We find the same ratio of By* 3 B,- in Hfr x F~ as in F+ x F~, while Hayes claims that his "Hfr" can trahamit fonly the Lac-I-T chromosome"with high effidé¢ciency, so that By,~ is very greatly in excess of By)+ im his crosses. ] JT