. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE FEDERAL SEOURDRICAGENGK PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE Communicable Disease Center Enteric Bacteriology Laboratories P.O. Box 188 3 Chamblee, Georgia “s5 a 4) tor a . Jeret back fave: A aveve ¥ Baw Arbor, Law) 1G, me. F9ettwonn— $x OW 1040 (ee. SW Om) 3 0k 1¥ xn OS eurtee ase che o2G,, awe sorlved Orr. +2) Te ataw, fot aise PMtifert 4 pir, Ae tool As andy & easy ony thames aieut” 003 aryl. Tha a Anak of rorin als ha ity Ke hake, on erence, an, Set Colas, , Low Ahern, neg wp wus Lowe of FW OLB. aa lake The euchvia, arked de comp onset) Sweywy est at huss Chel, cs probe .. | I csnct look ber young LcTlens ans ea if Shorr Be Lickin ow SUS P50,0005 103,036, 1038, (03% SE evened te thepifut tf aack Mme “One a? outlier yom fut ace in & Avrasbt |e word st, ) SMe he Pati. worat forth wus. ke gheoS ow ster ee Laon it Fon att uae, ha ay Atpiie 85 rims, Ph ad comme Mabial ha, Me onel Bue End tal r egerbs Bye. and En, Loans, Abe Abscess Lieus Lucky, (Sel fine seas) of oud, / thmacty. _ Sy 666 5 che o Ory Bis ages Ae snttt he mt anapeperk Che aan, “WC OK St) pGout Priot vaialdun ef & sree @lse Fu Ge eoomenee Cruing x elt eek, eatatoged. 7 bo. tucus Sty fo2e6!; Ont of. Oty, Cha, Coche mew,