FEDERAL SECORITH) ACENCH/ PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ior wunicable Disease Center Enteric Bacteriology Laboratories P.O. Box 185 April 16, 1953 Charblee, Georgia Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is the report on the cultures received from you on March 13. Some comments are needed. Note that Sw960 B, Swo88, and SW891 B probably are induced phases of 1,2. Some reaction has occurred with 1,20 serum but I am not sure that they are actually 1,10 phases. However, from their reactions I believe it is safe to assume that they are changed 1,2 antigens. Unless you feel that it is desirable we will not pursue their study further. As you surmised, cultures 2821-52 and 1553-52 probably are identical. One of these came from Commander L. A. Barnes at Bethesda. The other was received from Kauffmann. The Barnes culture came from Floyd in Cairo. Kauffmann's culture probably came from the same source. Jt was said to have been isolated from fresh chicken OSES. That is why Kauffmann thought it was S. gallinarum. I told him of your results with these cultures but he has uot remarked upon them. It does seem that you have transferred the suppressed a phase of S- abortus equi to Kauffmann's culture 248. (SW666). This result does not coincide with the speculation in my last letter that a phases obtained from §. abortus equi might react as phase 2, just as T,2 phases from S. paratyphi B var. java actoas:phaseri phases. Your \SW977) does not agglutinate with any of our serums slthough it is quite motile. I will prepare a serum for this phase although I do not know exactly what we will do with it after it is prepared. will send you some if you wish it. SW987 has caused some trouble. At one time Miss McWhorter thought she had some agglutination with d sérum but upon repeated passage in semisolid could not confirm it.) We must study this culture further before making a final report. Your SW98l1 is very interesting. JI was glad to know that Ba. reacted as a phase 1 antigen. I think it is simply a changed b. This culture was reversed in phase from Single colonies. “Za Dr. Joshua Lederberg April 16, 1953 I transferred a number of forms from S. abortus equi today. I am in some doubt as to the identity of certain of the phases and must look at them before I send them to you. I am sure that we will be able to recover some a phases from the cultures. These may be useful in studying the genetics of transduction. The materials which you wanted will be sent as soon as we can transfer the cultures and prepare the serums for shipment. With kind regards, I am For the Officer-in-Charge, Bacteriology Section Sincerely yours, PR. Ehasrm Bn PRE :mg Philip R. Edwards, Ph. De Pacteriologist-in-Charge Enteric Bacteriology Unit Bncle P.S. From your last letter [ am not sure whether I can figure out Sif 1031 and I do not have yours of 4/30 at hand. Please return those pedigree sheets. JI have no copies. P.S. 2 I have now looked at your letter of 4/30 and can decioher Sw 1031. S24 $ou J behsict we cg ADAMS tafe Tot te dasevite ae usatled of. capenla lion of a plate rvs Oungte phase tha & daverin te wvtuie forte, Bidrmoris ame The ga the ove — ent Ets Mo wet sy aatt Aaa ble Gpht ort) One of Ch, wove ln of Gece Fe ase ple of fr firr ly Of Bln Liles cone Hh aoe: Cmetfem— 2. hhgg ode Cok Fr etn en —) sO ed ACEC 7 om we. breech of oer Sotn Tis Pane Amv g Gots 10%8 Ot 7 (COPE STG anne pre 2 ( host ats funt) wh eel 13S th, atntis Per _ ee pts 7