FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE ; January 20, lyd3 pommaunicable Disease Centex Enteric Bacteri : P.O Bos Taney Laboratories Chamblee, Georgia Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, ‘Yisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Many thanks for your letter of January 16. We are looking forward to your visit. As to equipment, I think you had better bring tne ‘/O mm Petri dishes since we have none here. Any otner Specializea equipment e1tner snould be brougnt or you should write about it as soon as possible. I think we can supply most of the standard eoulpment needed. It mght be well to pring any pet Loops and needles whicn you have since one often nas difficulty adjusting to new ones, more or less as one becomes accustomed to a fountain pen. If there anything we can do toward finding a place for you to stay we would be nappy to try. Did you nave any particular type of accommodations in mina? If you are driving tnrougn ,a motor court mgnt be more converment tnan a hotei. I do not know whether we could find an efficiency apartment on a snort term basis, they are hard to find. With best wishes, I am For the Officer-in-Charge, Bacteriology Section Sincerely yours, LC Enno» Philip R. Edwards, Ph. D. Bacterlotogist—in-Charge Enteric Bacteriology Unit