FOLD SIDES OVER AND THEN FOLD BOTTOM UP AND SEAL. NO OTHER ENVELOPE SHOULD BE USED april 16, 1953 Dear Luca: This is a postscript to my letter of the 13th. I hope I dé not disturb you from your task of assimilating my notes. le have just received the pre-prints of the current symposium on bacterial adaptation in London, for the SGM. Unless you have already had this some time, it would be unreasonable to try to digest it for our review. I am astonished at the prevalence of the phydsiclogical- adaptationist view-- but suppose it is the same problem the geneticist has-always. faced in-trying to explain the miracle of evolution in terms of modern population’ genetics. encouraged that we should again restata a strong (but circumspect) case along the lines of our review; I had “ere before whether there was mich point in repeating the argumen oe The £ ip owing references can now be completed: Potte oR, 1951 Sequential blocking of metabolic pathways in vitro. ce. Soc. axp. Biol. Medes Mets 76:41-L6 (in place of Potter & efidelberger). . The fi title for Graessle & Pietrowski is "The in vitro effect of para~aminoasalicylic acid (PAS) in preventing acquired resistance to streptompcin in Mycohagterium tuberculosis. J. Bact. 572.459-464 I forgot to mention the reference for Dittrich: = Bornsshein,H., Dittrich,wW., and HBline ,G. 1951 Zur Entstehung der Chemo- Ag resigeéenz bei Bakterien. Naturwissenschaf ten 16:383—384. [I do not suppose you are unaware of any of these references, but hoped 2 to save you some trouble in hooking any. of them up, as long as I had them fairly close at hand. ] fe Saye. us from the thought! But it o¢curs to me someone (namely anyone but self} could well afford to expand, the subject of our review into a pnograph ° “("Genetics and Chemotherapy") that might have as wide a usefulness a8 0 C2». WorkéWork 's book on the fochemical Basis of Chemog$sherapy". t am ‘very. ‘pleased ta. learn of your election as ‘the. sectional VicePresident. I could advise you candidates for Presigency if I knew better just who was “going. Either: Beadle or Tatum would be an excellent choice. I know that Sonneborn _” ‘