FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE December 24, 1952 Communicabie Diserse Conte: Enteric Becleticlogy Laboratories 2. O. Box 185 7 Cnamblee, Geordia Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Under separate cover we have sent you the serums requested in your letter of Vecember 14 and in addition some Worthington serum (lw). This serum was sent since it reacts with the "nonspecific" phases less than otner £... serums. It is very difficult to fulfill your request for cultures which display phase variation yet which are fairly stable in one phase. 1 am sure you will realize tnat this is a characteristic of individual cultures rather than of types. further, in routine diagnosis it 1s possible only to tell whether a culture is mono- phasic or diphasic, but without special studies one could make no predictions regarding the relative stability of tne phases. We have sent several strains of S. javiana, since the phases of this type seem to be somewhat more stable than those of the usual diphasic Salmonella. I hope you will find among these one or more cultures which will meet your requirements. ‘he Worthington serum was sent to be used witn tnese cultures. 1 think 1t would be very nice if vr. Spicer could visit the laboratory. se would be very glad to see him. For the ufficer-in-Uharge, Bacteriology Section Sincerely yours, A © nnn Philip «x. tdwards, Ph. v. Bacterlologist-—1n-Unharge unel.e Enteric BacterloLlogy unit