4 July 2, 1948. Dr. J. J, Bronfenbrenner, Dept. of CasterfLology & Lsnunolory, Washinzton University Medical School, St. Louis, ‘ssouri,. Deu by, Dronfenbreaner, For sox aeretie work we are doing on Salmonella, it would be very useful to hve goc® phages for vurlous types, especially stocks that might attuck be typhiauriun. cadisen Pete his ylelded only a very wwak phage for the strain wa are most interested in. Cowl: you do us the service of seniing a aot of Salmonolla phazes, If ycu have than? Cr would you prefer that I geni you the culture of 3. tynhi-mriun,in whick we are specifically most diutervsted, ficst. Your holp sould be greatly copreciated. Yours sincerely, “ Joshun Lederhers Aseistant Frofessor cf Ganetics. iad ea 3 al