FEDERAL, SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE December 6, 1952 Communicable Diseaga Center Enteric Bacteriolg i PO bon lee gy Laboratories Chamblee, Georgia Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: mnclosed is the report on the last shipment of cultures received from you. You will note that in large part the results which you obtained with these cultures were confirmed. The delay in reporting was due to the fact that we wished to establish with certainty that the new combinations were really diphasic and not mixtures of two types. This has been done and we can assure you that the cultures so indicated are truly dipnasic combinations. The reprints for which you asked, as well as some others which may interest you, were sent under separate cover. “With best wishes, I am For the Officerin-Charge, Bacteriolosy Section Sincerely yours, PE Care P> Philip R. Edwards, Ph. D. Bacteriologist—in-Charge Enel. anteric Bacteriology Unit PRE: mg