Depaftment of Ganeties University of Yisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin February 23, 1953 Dear Luca: I hope that sending this note so soon after my letter of the 2lst does not confuse you. Hayes now writes "The strain I have seems to have reverted “completely to Nfr/F¥ and Tam aimdoms to Wah theaettect Sf” Bit. on’ the fertility of Hfr...". I ate quoétitiy this tc you #6 Peinforce my suggestion that Hfr be resepege for the time being. If we are to secept the obligation to segd our immediate working materiale ta © anyone who asks we might as weld abandon our own expéfimental ‘work, and settle in the position of (@evelopers of stocks fpr other's 5 I will be willing to. takg! the responsibility of answering Hayes". request in the negative,. but first wished to tonsult-you about it more fully. Eos Se - ee Have I mentioned that Sidr has discovered that passing ta 58-161 through motility selection agar results in F~! I have not yet checked on this myself, but: am doing sg-(Skaar is my colleague. working on coli immunogeneties) ; He also? that the F+ derived from these F- by transduction ‘are: Tess ‘m@Bile. It is not’ unimaginable that F+ as a surface property affects thé structure or functioning of the flagella. The procedure did»not work in a, few trials with W-1177F+, but has not yet.” been tried widely. ©. : y meee a Sincerely, x Joshua Lederberg asSn 3g GQINOHS AdOTSAANSZ YaHLO ON “lW35S GNY¥ dN WOLLOG G10kd NAHL INV YAO Sadis di0d Af hee ann Mfr ? |