April 28, 1952 Dr. P. R. Edwards Communicable Disease Center Public Health Service; Box 185 Chamblee, Georgia Dear Dr. Edwards: I am writing to ask your reaction to the possibility of my visiting your laboratory for a few weeks early next year. In our work on Salmonella transduction, the limitations of our re- sources and experience are becoming very apparent. This is especially true of our projected work on the biological synthesis of named and new serotypes by means of transductive exchange of serological factors be- tween various types. The "hybrid" IX, XII, 1;—- served as an illustrative example, but the possibilities should be by no means so limited. There is obwkously only one place in the U.S. where such work can be done on the scale merited by ita importance, and this is your laboratory. The technical requireuwents for glassware, aquipment, and so on would be very modest. The important thing would be convenient access to appropriate cultures and diagnostic reagents, and to your experience and insight into then. I would not suggest settling any arrangements now. My academic commit- mehts, however, would leave next February as the only convenient open tim. If my proposal merits further discussion, in your opinion, I would arrange to leave that month unobligated. I anticipate no difficulty in making ny own financial arrangements for my wife (who 1g a research associate with me) and myself. Aa a good dwal cf the preliminary work has been and will have been done here, even the short tims of a month's visit should be fairly productive. I had thought previously that Mr. Zinder might make such a proposal. He has however accepted another appointment where he will certainly continue to explore various phases of this research. In hopes there will be no serious impediment to my ppeposal, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assoclate Professor of Genetics P.S. Thank you for the last baééh of cultures (your letter of 3/27) if not cknowledged. We have received Boulgakov's flagellar phage and can previously sek? for G-variants in certain types with it. JL