YALE UNIVERSITY oe on OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY CET ts | NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT _ Marine Biological Lab., Woods Hole, Mass., August 29, 1947. Dear Dr. Mather, . You would, I think, have been not a little amused could you have observed my mental gyrations during the past few days over the question of two- and four- strand crossing-over. You have been, of course, entirely correct in asserting that there should be no difference . Myf allacy consisted of attending entirely to the distribution of breaks on the chromatids in the,tetrad, which one might suppose to show interactions in the four-strand case.If one considers the distribution of breaks on the strands recovered, one realizes that it makes no difference what combinations of cos led to them, they will still be distributed on the strands Poisson- Wise. It was the identity ofJsinh x/ eX = 1 - e-2* that led to this realization, the first term having come from my 2-3; the second from my four- strand analysis. So, you were not quite right in remarking that I had engtered into crossing-over theory "truly and well", considering this inexcusable blunder. Please accept my thanks for having helped me out of it. The formulae of the two strand case are, of course, essentially the same as Haldane's x,5 = + Xg -2X)X0, as cah be shown from the addition formula for €anh (x14X2) « The specific problem becomes very much exa easier to handle, since the crossovers in each segment will be distributed Poissonwise with a mean proportional to the length of the segment. In the case at hand, the ratio of triple-types to total prototrophs will be: (1 = e728X)(1 - e~2bxX)(1- e-cCX) where a,b,c are the propor- L ~ e “2x : tions of the segments, and x the map distance. You are quite right also about the futility of this type of de- tailed analysis in view of the approximations that must be made of no inter€#rence. A priori, however, I had absolutely no conception of the final estimate of the map distance, md if it had proven to be much greater than it was, some sort of correction for multiple crossovers would have to be made. Amuxktxk=xxmkkexxxzx This was par- ticularly cegent since I was using the miltiple-crossover frequency itself to measure the distance! Inere does not seem to be anything that can be done about ghxmamsmm chasema interf@rence, but it may cancel itself out- although it will bas the single- as against multiple break chromatids, it will also tend to even out the distri- bution of such multiple breaks as do occur and make them more effec- tive in producing the "triple" types. I am not sure that chromatid interBérence would have any effect; complete interference would be equivalent simply to juxtaposing two two-strand dyads, and would have no effect. . YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT When referring to zygotes previously, I had in mind the fact that the combining cultures are mixed just before being poured into hardening agar. The gametes produced by a single zygote should therefore be kept in one place, and under certain circun- stances give rise to mixed colonies. ’ The crossover algebra has not been as useful in my own work as I had hoped. It is of course applicable under any restraints one cares to formulate: non-sister strand c.o., chromafid or chromosome interference, competitive pairing in multisomics, etc. One nedd merely place the appropriate restrictions on the sub- scripts of adjecent crossover-symbols. Zt would be mostvuseful probably in such a system as Lindegren's analysis of interference in Neurospora. I shall be leaving Yale this Fall, and am taking a post as Asst. Prof. in Genetics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc., stusting im the middle of September. very satisfactory con- ditions for a program of research in micrworganisms are being established there, and there is a rapidly growing interest in such departments as biochemistry and bacteriology in the implications of genetic research for their work. The prospects for fruitful collabo- rations there look very good, and were the main reason for my going out there. The linkage work has been writteh up and sent to Genetics, where it should appear in the September issue. Your enmouragement and assistance have been invaluable- and I hope, fruitful. With best regards from ny wife, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg. IC TRANS SR THEE EE as