SEP 24 1962 ies THE WORCESTER FOUNDATION FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY oa Shrew cky, Massachusells SA Be ath mber 19, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics OO Stanford University Medical Center oo Palo Alto, California ; . 3 or” a a wa ) as at or os Dear Joshua, “ 0 4 Pea yet {_ The Worcester Foundation, in association with Boson University, are tentatively planning to run a Symposium "Life on Other Planets" and would like to invite you to de=- liver one of the lectures and be Chairman of the Symposium. WY One suggestion is to have about four or five invited speakers present their lectures during a three day period. Perhaps > a good time for the Symposium would be about the second week ~ in May, 1963. bs — We hope that you will accept this invitation and that ~S you will suggest other speakers. & I would appreciate hearing from you by September 27th, on which day we hope to be able to make formal arrangements with our Boston Colleagues. With all good wishes. Sincerely, ria/ma Ralph I. Dorfman HUDSON HOAGLAND, Ph. D., Sc. D. GREGORY PIN Executive Director ° CUS, Se. D. RALPH |. DORFMAN, Ph. D. BRUCE CRAWFORD Research Director Director of Laboratories Business Monager