Sixteenth , a wos 3 1547 Dear Loderbers, My apolo:ies for not havines answereé your various letters earlier. I expect that you will slreudy neve heard from Dr Purlington avout tne draft of your oro josed caper for "Heredity" - I am not sure whether i do fully understand the oroblem you faised. about estimtim: the ubsolute man distences fron tne multiole erorr-over Prooueney in e. four strand system. i don't Koow whether 1 um beincs Sinvularly stupid avout it -- ft hone not. Aeout your lest set of data. they uacree es well uf OOULE De expected vith & Linear oraer By BM Vg Luc Vy SHLD pee or fey ved wale tts awe fh: rogS fou vecovercd would then buve £0 be Troe Crossover » Lac Vy V4 > Regions i ae i ta oa