September 28, 1946, Dear Dr. Edwards: Since our last correspondence, a copy of Kauffmann's book has come into my possession, and I discovered in it & discussion of in- | vestigations on Salmonella nutrition such as I hed not previously suspected, This is particularly interesting because the group of Strains that I have been wo: king on so far has been highly discourg¢d aging - with the exception of a para A and a cholerae suis strain that I have already mentioned, and pullorum and gellinarum, most or all seem to grow quite well on a glucose asparagine medium, or with the addition of thioglycollate. However, this litercture suggests that there are a mumber of organisms which would turn out to have useful nutritional reuirements- those which will not -grow on bimmons! glucose agar. For example,ll IV variants of typhi-wuriun which you reported on in 1939. According to Mauffmann!s review otuer strains which may Betisfy this criterion are abortus¢ ovis,typhi suis, and sendai.(I notice this last named as a subject again of one of your investisevions where this test was one of the differentials separa- ting sendiy from miami. “Ou should he doing this investigation abercat eervice if you were to send me a collection (as extensive as you can conveniently manage)of strains which fail to grow on minimal media such as Sim- mons' agar. in the meantime, I am working on developing nutritional mutants of typhi-murium. That is quite a time-consuming afrair ,koxvexe “lth the most sincere apprecieti&ons, bincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg