YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT May 19, 1947. Dear Dr. Mather-- The manuscript to which £ referred in my airmail letter is . | enclosed. There is no pressing reason why it should be returned ee unless that seems especially convemient. Since that previous note, some data on a three-point test of os | linearity have appeared, which, I think are in line with the scheme you suggested- The odharacters are: lLac- (lactose fermentation) yy! S| resistance to phage T1) and ver/8 (resigtance}o phage T6. In the cross : : aS A 8&2 ¢ DLE a eof “ee B-M- V¢ Lact ¥)" Tle X BtMt Ve Lact ¥,~ I-L- ee Lng V The prototrophs (BAM+T+L+) fall into the following categories: . ; iby 423 7 7 Z sorbate tl Fi 4 hea Anhly carl : 4 at 2 . Tia 2 4 alin puns © rosy - or rp 2343 lac -r+ = 41:20 Therefore Lao is aaa . - s rer Tle ye ed to BeM es a ae 7+Y By - 2 s 4}, 1 123 *D oe ny Dees 7 - 3 s 8 5 ‘4 ¢ V-r:s = 46:15 Therefore V- is 0 6 May dS + 2 rep 5 2) ope linked to BoM » O + 8s r l= & ; . SG IG eg 8 dcyra— The data clearly show that Vg is linked’ 8 + s S bt O97 3y to Lac (parentals?: new combinations .\ ! are 54:7) These factors are therefore | vag 443 | linearly linked. This is particularly. Fry tft shown by the interaction with V, (e.g. 7 and 8)(or 1 and 3). 5 Y IS “+234 ? © \24 The map therefore is: : *BU é B, B-M Vg lac Vy, Td, I realize that this is a rather small Sample, but it is already extensive enough to be highly gratifying. em Yo =. “OShus Lederberg .