penn June 21, 1960 Or. Carl Ojerass! Syntex, S.A. Apartado 2679 Mexico, O.F. Dear Or. Djerass!: Many thanks for your continuing Interest In our sterold work. | am now In @ posit lon to make a couple of definite statements about our results. 1) A single dose of 20 mg. of hydrocortisone alcoho! USP. microfine Is approximately an L.D. 50/10 days in our mice. With such a huge dose, the antibody production against our standard bacterial antigen Is only moderately diminished -- a@ reduction of 2 to & logso- This Is considerably less reduction than Is achieved by an L.D. 10, for example of whole body Irradiation. 2) a single dose of 25 mg. of prednisone or dally doses of up to 5 ag. of prednisone web virtually Ineffective. (1 - 2 logso depression). While these results are a little disappointing from our point of view, I think the differences between soluble and Insoluble sterold preparations may turn out to be of some Importance In human therapy. We still cannot exclude the transport of drug particles to specific sites by scavenger cells as a factor In achleving Immune depressfon. 1 do feel | want to pursue this question a little further with differ- ent antigens. | belleve Dr. Lederberg has asked you for some soluble hydro- cortisone alcohol. Would It also be possible to send us a fairly large supply (e.g. 50 gus.) of the hydrocortisone alcohol U.S.P. microfine as In order no. 31079 (Roussel) and a smaller amount (e.g. 10 gas) of the Identical compound but as a large crystal. ! also would appreciate a little Information as to how to prepare a ualform, non-Ircitant suspension Of these insoluble products. We have had little success using various oleates and Artacel A as emulsifying agents. | do hope we may meet during your next Stanford visit. Again, my thanks for your cooperation. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, Gus Nossal] Assistant Professor of Genetics