4 +E we 7 \ ’ ‘ a ! i . } " 7 + \ . oe : . \ . y \ eo a t x “ 7 . 4 . Y “ if ‘ } = 7 , : : . i yoo ‘ pe «Oth April, 1047. a (Doar Lederberg, . 8 . “ a "white - is. not | a full answer ee your Last letter which I heve not yet had. | time b0 Gigesbe I thought, however, I'should ~~ ° : -- wehlte and tell gon that I showed the relevant = ’ | party of your letter to Darlingtme--He asks me = =. k ,. ° \. os) + $0 express his. interest in your projected artiglé Sa L os Om the "genstie" peouliarit les of bacteria. He. Fo. thinks that (in his words) "a stron ong end critical . + emelysie" of what has. been published might well | soo De most useful and he would be glad to eee your a Meouit of the siviabhane _ Fe Men won Ae ARR UM TT Re Sr . : 7 and yourself . rgatie: peat he + pe gh Ba Yours. sincerolyy \ wT, aos Po vod Drs: Je Lederberg, boo. 4 ¥@le Undversity,s * pe Osbort: Botanical: Ls Doe Sl New Haveng Ge UB REE Connecticut, - oe Wei ede, cS