SYNTEX, S.A. APARTADO 2679 MEXICO, D. F. CARL DJERASSI VICEPRESIDENTE INVESTIGACION December 2, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua: Shortly after sending you yesterday's letter I re- ceived a telephone call in connection with your projected lecture on January 4. The question was asked whether you would use a manuscript for your talk, and if the answer is in the affirmative, whether you could send this to me ag soon as possible so that we could have it translated into Spanish, We would have preprints of the Spanish translation prepared, which would then be distributed at the time of your lecture. Furthermore, if you have no objection, this Spanish version could then also be published in the Medical Journal here, which has a fair~j ly wide distribution, over 15,000 copies being printed each week, Carl Djerassi Cables: SYNTEX - 20-60-50 - MEXICO