SYNTEX, S. A. APARTADO 2679 MEXICO, D. F. CARL DJERASSI VICEPRESIDENTE INVESTIGACION December 1, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua: I just checked with the Syntex Travel Agent and it would be very complicated if we paid for your tickets here and yet tried to have your travel agent at Stanford get the commission. Therefore, if you prefer that the travel arrangements proceed through your travel agent, then I would suggest that you pay him directly and that we reimburse you. I have already had a talk with Mr. Hempel and he will visit us next week. We are greatly indebted to you and Esther for suggesting him and I am looking forward to his visit. / p solrioy fr} L WY Carl Djerassi CD/mf-s Cables: SYNTEX - 20-60-50 - MEXICO