CARL DJERASSI SIERRA LEONA 735 MEXICO 10, 0. F., MEXICO Mey 5, 1959 pre Je Lederberg bepartment of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California ear Joshua: I am already writing you as a potential colleague, which means that I would like to ask for a favor. I shall move to Stanford in September 1959 with about 15 — 17 graduate students ane postdoctorate fellows, although I shall stay on leave frou S anford until September 1960 and only make bimonthly visits curing the 1959-1960 academic yeare One of wy best graduate students at wayne, Lavia Herbst, is scheduled to finish his Ph.D. thesis around January of February 1966, although of course one can never be absolutely sure about this. He would also like to move out to Stanford with my group for the last 6 months of his graduate work, put this he can only do if proper employment can be found for his wife, who is carrying most of the finrncial load in the family at this time. She is a graduate bagteriologist, who has been working at Parke avis in parasitology for over three years and while she currently si earning $ 500 per month, they are prepared to move to Stanford if she can get $ 400, I know from one of ~» colleagues in parasitology at Wayne that he things very highly of Mrs. Herbst and I am wondering whether you er somebody at Stanford would be willing to hire her at that salary with the understanding that she will stey for a minimum of 6 months or longer if her husband has not finished his Ph.U. research by then. Please let me know as soon as possible whether you or one of your colleagues at Stanford can do something for hirs. Herbst. / / / Cordially, / f Ly VV Apt